Conquest of America

Conquest of America was a 4 part television documentary miniseries produced by The History Channel in 2005 and premiered on Saturday April 2. The show documented the adventures of various European explorers who were key figures in the colonization of the Americas. Some of the featured explorers include Henry Hudson, Pedro Menéndez, Jean Ribault, Vitus Bering and Francisco Vásquez de Coronado.

Other titles

Conquest of America was also the first name of a play-by-mail game by Agents of Gaming. The name was later changed to Continental Conquest as the game expanded to cover other regions of the world.


The show was mainly filmed in Jacksonville, Florida, with The Church of the Good Shepherd acting as many different buildings. This site was perfect because the coastal regions looked like the Caribbean, yet the inland regions looked like the areas that explorers of the American north explored.

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